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Contact ev
Dorchester, NH, United States
$ 0.00

As the pandemic continues, our 36th annual winter rally scheduled for February 21st is cancelled per state guidelines. While this is disappointing, the museum board of directors are working on a virtual solution; we may not be able to meet in person, but we think we can pull together an online event with some prizes and a commemorative T-shirt. We know our members and vintage enthusiasts look forward to the rally every year, and we’d like to be able to continue the tradition! Keep checking our page, and website for more information as we work on details-thanks for your patience!
BUT DON'T PUT THOSE SLEDS AWAY-we have 2 scheduled vintage rides-one at Bear Notch Road on 1/24, and our ever popular Franconia Notch Ride on 3/7-details to follow
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